The Eurocorps was created in 1992 and comprises military contributions from its five framework nations: Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Spain. The Headquarters is located in Strasbourg (France). Austria, Canada, Greece, Italy, Poland and Turkey have military liaison staff co-located at Eurocorps HQ

The Commander Eurocorps (COMEC) is a Lieutenant General (3 stars). The Deputy Commander (DCOM) is a Major General (2 stars). The staff is directed by the Chief of Staff (COS), also a Major General and he is supported by two Deputy Chiefs of Staff (DCOS) for Operations and Support, both of whom are Brigadier Generals (1 star).

The posts of Commanding General and the other general officers as well as some key functions are filled by EU framework nations on a rotational basis. COMEC, DCOM and COS are always of different nationalities. Their tour of duty generally lasts for two years. In general terms the Eurocorps is at the disposal of the European Union and available for service in support of NATO. The command language is English.

The Eurocorps consists of formations under direct operational control and formations earmarked for assignment during a crisis or emergency:

Under direct operational control:

  • Franco German Brigade (GE-FR Bde)

  • Multinational Command Support Brigade (MNCS Bde)

Formations earmarked for assignment during an emergency:

French Contribution

Etat-Major de Force numéro 3 (EMF3) in Marseille (equivalent to a
Divisional HQ) composed of:

1 x Armoured Brigade
1 x Mechanised Infantry Brigade
Specialised Support Units

German Contribution

The 10th Armoured Division, with its HQ in Sigmaringen, composed of:

2 x Brigades as required               
Specialised Support Units

Belgian Contribution
Belgian Operational Command Land, with its HQ in Evere, composed of:

1st Mechanised Brigade in Leopoldsburg
7th Mechanised Brigade in Marche-en-Fammene
Support Units

Spanish Contribution

1st Land Forces Command its HQ in Burgos, composed of:

10th Mechanised Brigade in Cordoba
11th Mechanised Brigade in Badajoz
12th Armoured Brigade in Madrid

Luxembourg Contribution

Luxembourg assigns a reconnaissance company composed of about 180 personnel. During operations this unit would be integrated into the Belgian contingent. During the past decade the Eurocorps has been involved in operations as follows:

  • SFOR (Bosnia) 1999-2000

  • KFOR III (Kosovo) 2000

  • ISAF IV (Afghanistan) 2004-2005

Note: If all earmarked national contributions were committed to operations, the Eurocorps would number approximately 60,000 personnel.

Franco - German Brigade (FGB)

This is a joint formation which consists of both French and German units and under the direct command of the Eurocorps. The Eurocorps was inaugurated in January 1989 and declared operational in October 1991.

The FGB is essentially a wheeled mechanised Brigade. It is the core entry group for Eurocorps operations and in concert with the EU Battlegroups the immediate EU reserve formation.

FRANCO GERMAN BRIGADEConfiguration of Franco German Brigade

Approximately 5,200 personnel

(1) 3e Regiment de Hussars
(2) Jagerbataillon 292
(3) 110e Regiment d’Infanterie
(4) Panzerartilleriebataillon 295
(5) Panzerpionierkompanie 500
(6) Logistic Battalion with: Supply Company; Maintenance Company; Transport Company; Administration & Support Company; HQ & Support Company.


In the immediate future, the EU plans to be able to provide at least one coherent Battlegroup package at any one time (usually two), to undertake Battlegroup-sized operations in support of the EU Helsinki Headline Goals.

Full Operational Capability (FOC) was reached at the end of 2007 when all Battlegroups became available. The EU now has the capacity to undertake at least two concurrent single Battlegroup-size rapid response operations, including the ability to launch both such operations nearly simultaneously.

EU Member States have indicated that they will commit to Battle Groups, formed as follows:


United Kingdom




France and Belgium






France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain


Germany, the Netherlands and Finland (BG 107)


Germany, Austria and Czech Republic


Italy, Hungary and Slovenia


Spain and Italy (Amphibious)


Italy, Romania and Turkey


Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Latvia and Lithuania


Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Ireland and  Norway


United Kingdom and the Netherlands


Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania and Slovenia


Czech Republick and Slovakia


Spain, Germany, France and Portugal



Expect a battle group to have between 1,500 and 2,000 personnel.

There are usually 2 x EU Battlegroups on standby for operations and trained to respond to emerging contingencies at any one time. They would be deployed following a unanimous decision of the European Council of Ministers, with the nations providing the Battlegroup having a veto on any deployment decision.

Each Battlegroup will have a 'lead nation' that will take operational command, based on the model set up during the EU's peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Operation Artemis). Two non-EU NATO countries, Norway and Turkey participate in the EU Battlegroup program.

Battlegroups would have to be able to deploy within 5-10 days and be sustained initially for 30, but possibly up to 120 days while operating up to 6,000 km from Brussels.


As yet (mid 2010) there is no standing European Rapid Reaction Force (other than the Franco – German Brigade) nor any EU agreement to create one. What has sometimes been referred to as a ‘European Rapid Reaction Force’ is, in fact, a catalogue of forces which member states could make available to the EU should they choose to participate in a particular EU-led operation.

Any contribution to a particular EU-led operation would depend on the operation's requirements, the availability of forces at the time and the willingness of EU members to participate. However, it is likely that this will change during the next five years.